Roster for Sunday vs Truro at Lions Arena in Spryfield
Whalers vs TruroRoster for Truro game 10:15am at Lions Arena (Spryfield). Please arrive at 9:15am. For those sitting please come to the game.
Kegan Greencorn
Dylan White
Connor Blackwood
Ethan Morgan
Luke Cormier
Hayden Richardson
Noah Comeau
Ryan George
Keegan MacVicar
Brandon Crowell
Blake Irvine
Ben Veinot
Ryan Farrow
Wyatt McInnis
Theoron Hughes
Ben Boyd
Ryan Langois
John Shubaly
Nikolas Xidos
Nicolas Mugford
Noah Latimer
Sitting: (please come to the game)
Connor Stewart (injury)
Alex Roode
Aiden Kia Bradley (injury)
Riley Henman (injury)
James Lawley